Every time someone clicks on the link that you shortened, you will get paid, many sites pay 6-7 $ for 1000 visitors that you bring to your link.
What Url Shortener Websites Have From That?
Well they pay you because you bring traffic to them, and many of those visitors that you brought to your link will probably become their new users and customers.
Don’t worry, when you share your website,blog,video link… traffic will go to your source and some traffic will go to the url shortener website, and you will make money with url shortener and spaid through paypal or other paying methods that websites are using.
Payment Optons
1.Paypal 2.Payeer 3.betcoin 4.payza
payout for Views :Upto 9$
minimum Withdrawal : 3$ / 5$
Web Traffic : Click Here
Temp Mail : Click Here